Benefit of Exercise for Kids and Jigsaw Mats
When you think about exercise you most likely think about working out in the gym, running, or doing weights. Our normal perception of exercise is more regimented and formal. This is probably a reflection of what life has become when someone reaches adulthood. Somehow we forget they being active doesn’t need to mean joining the gym or a pilates class. Although there is nothing wrong and everything right about having standardised exercise regimes.
For kids exercise can means a lot more than the kind of exercises that adults typically take part in. For kids it is more a matter of playing and being physically active. Kids tend to have the opportunity to exercise much more often than adults. They get to exercise when they have physical education at school, during recess, at soccer practice, while riding bikes and scooters, or when playing hop scotch. They only get the chance to do this if that are cooped up somewhere playing computer games as is the trend nowadays.
Benefits of Exercise For Kids
Active kids benefit by having:
- stronger muscles and bones
- leaner healthier bodies
- less risk of obesity
- a lower chance of diabetes
- lower blood pressure and blood cholesterol levels
- more positive attitudes
- better sleep
- more friends
It is essential that kids have a good surface to play on when they are engaging in these activities. To this end gym mats are absolutely necessary. Having gym mats whilst exercising means there is less of an impact on limbs and joints. With good gym mats kids can play longer without whilst lowering the risk of impact related injuries. While it is difficult to pinpoint the best kind of gym mats a very popular type is jigsaw mats.
Jigsaw mats have been know to be extensively used in schools and other organisations. With jigsaw mats you have an inexpensive product which is highly beneficial for kids engaging in physical activity. It doesn’t even need to be a formal activity. Kids can play and jump around on jigsaw mats during recess or play all sort of game.
Kids and Jigsaw Mats
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