EVA Jigsaw Mats Still In High Demand
The pandemic was a strange time indeed. One of the things that we experienced was an explosion in demand for EVA Jigsaw Mats. In seems as if every person was scrambling to secure some mats because they could no longer train at home. There were literally orders coming in at a million miles a minute. It was a good time to be in the mats business.
EVA Jigsaw Mats Still In High Demand
Although demand is not as high as it was during the height of the pandemic it is still elevated. I would say that people’s behaviour has change and they are more inclined to want to also train at home. Sure the gyms are open again and people are attending but there would be those that are reluctant to return.
There is also the issue of pent up demand of people wanting to open up a gym. There would have been many who would have put off there dream of running a MMA or BBJ gym and are getting around to it now. A lot of our customers in the process of opening gyms which is why out tatami mats and MMA mats are selling well. Also there are people who prefer to use them in their home gyms as well.
Direct Mats Great To Deal With
Luckily Direct Mats has a lot of stock to satisfy demand. Our state of the art warehouse in Melbourne is well equipped to handle and dispatch EVA jigsaw mats and our other gym mats across the country. Our smaller Sydney warehouse is a tremendous help also.
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